You Are Not Alone

During one of my many anxiety attack episodes. (yes, I call them episodes because they would last for days)


I was convinced that Mike was having an affair. I played out these horrible scenarios in my head and my chemically imbalanced mind believed them.

My intrusive thoughts became so real that I would accuse him with absolutely NO sign or evidence of his “cheating” behavior.

When you suffer from OCD you obsess over these thoughts so much that they begin to feel like a reality. They are called intrusive thoughts because they come out of nowhere, they don’t always make sense and are often scary.

Intrusive thoughts attack what you love most. 

These thoughts are loud, debilitating, but they’re not facts.

It took me a while to work up the courage to talk to Mike about these irrational thoughts and feelings I was having. I felt so much better once I did. I was feeling so ashamed of the fact that I was doubting his love and devotion to our marriage. But the truth is, it was a very real part of my anxiety and OCD behavior. 


Why am I talking about this? Because I want you to know that you are not alone. 

I want you to know that you will get through this. I want you to know that I will be with you every step of the way.


Apple Bottom Chicken (boots with the fur)


Am I Going Crazy?